The specialists for environmental technology

FSM Frankenberger - Specialists in environment technology since 1970

FSM Frankenberger GmbH was founded in Pohlheim in the vicinity of Giessen, Germany in 1970. During the early years, the company concentrated on the manufacture of machinery and installations for the cooling water and desalination sectors.

From then onwards, FSM single-mindedly and continually developed a virtually complete range of products for mechanical water and wastewater treatment. Our customers and their diverse problems have always been at the center of our endeavors. We are constantly working to develop new solutions and further developments to our machines and processes to match the problems of our customers, in particular for the sector mechanical water and wastewater treatment.

We are certified to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001, EN 1090-1 und EN 1090-2, underlining our quality aspirations and motivation to successively improve our performance.

Besides our main works in Pohlheim, we have an additional manufacturing
facility in Mecklenburg Vorpommern.

Our highly qualified team of engineers and technicians is ready to find the best solution for your particular problem. In addition to design, production, erection and commissioning of new machines and installations, we offer a complete after-sales-service covering spare parts delivery and maintenance, including complete overhauls of machines and installation items.

Produkt line

Your contact

Consulting & Support

FSM Frankenberger GmbH

Operating facility Pohlheim

Vor dem Hohen Stein 1
D-35415 Pohlheim

+49 (0) 64 04 - 91 94 0
+49 (0) 64 04 - 91 94 91
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FSM Frankenberger GmbH

Friedrichstr. 95

D-10117 Berlin


© 2023