The specialists for environmental technology

Jobs, Career and Training

FSM Frankenberger GmbH was awarded by the IHK Giessen for special services in the training of young people.
We are currently training 5 apprentices in Pohlheim as construction mechanics and warehouse logistics specialists. Also our branch WSM, Walower Stahl- und Maschinenbau GmbH in Walow is currently training 5 apprentices.



Open Positions:


For the coming training year, starting August 1st, we are still looking for a trainee for the area "Specialist for Warehouse Logistics".

Internships: We offer internships throughout the whole year. Please apply on our internships including vita.

Become part of our FSM team!

We, the company FSM Frankenberger are a leading innovative, successful medium-sized machine and plant construction company active in the field of waste water treatment. With our partner companies, we have established ourselves with outstanding products and innovative solutions all over the world.
In more than 47 years, we have developed an almost complete product range for mechanical water and waste water purification. Through continuous innovation and tailor-made strategies, we help protect and preserve an important resource. Water is a valuable, indispensable good.

We offer you:
• a dedicated team
• Friendly and fair management
• exciting tasks and customers
• independent work
• structured education and training
• interesting tasks
• flat hierarchies
• Cooperative collaboration
• a secure workplace

We are always looking for qualified employees for our 2 sites in Giessen / Pohlheim and Walow.

We currently have no positions to fill:

Archive: Occupied offices:

Job Description:
Technician construction / project handling

Frankenberger FSM Techniker Konstruktion

Your tasks:

  • Production of 3D models, assembly and individual drawings as well as parts lists for general mechanical engineering, special machine construction, device construction, equipment and automation technology
  • After intensive training, you are able to carry out projects from the "kick-off" date to commissioning
  • Project coordination, customer and supplier agreements as well as supplier control


Your qualification:

  • Completed technical training or study (Bachelor, Master, Diplom) in general mechanical engineering or related fields of specialization
  • First experience in the design (eg by previous training as a technical draftsman / technical product designer or through relevant internships)
  • Fun in constructing and realizing your own ideas
  • Good knowledge in handling CAD software, preferably Inventor
  • High degree of autonomy and performance
  • Good team and communication skills
  • Safe handling of customers and suppliers


Job Description:
Technical Illustrator

Frankenberger FSM Technischer Zeichner

Your tasks:

  • Creation of dimension sheets & intersections with parts lists for order-related documentation
  • Modeling of components & assemblies
  • Creation of standard production drawings


Your qualification:

  • Completed training as a product designer or technical draftsman
  • Good knowledge of a 3D CAD PLM software, preferably Inventor
  • Communication & team-oriented


Job Description:

Frankenberger FSM Schweisser

These are your main areas of activity:

  • You are an expert in the TIG & MAG process
  • In addition, you have the know-how to perform TIG welding work according to drawing
  • The assembly of components as per instruction I drawing is not a problem for you
  • Quality control is also within your area of responsibility
  • They are also responsible for other assembly work


Your skills:

  • You have a relevant professional experience in the metal trade, and you have a completed professional training in this area
  • You can prove your good WIG welding skills and MAG welding experience in your daily work
  • You can also work safely with construction drawings
  • Assistance and self-initiative is a matter of course for you
  • Valid welding cards are desirable


Job Description:
Locksmith / Construction Mechanic

Frankenberger FSM Schlosser_Konstruktionsmechaniker


  • completed vocational training as a journeyman or master in metal construction from the construction technology
  • theoretical and practical know-how in metal, steel or façade construction
  • Good craftsmanship and experience in sheet metal processing
  • high demands for delicate craftsmanship with versatile know-how
  • Welding skills (hand, MAG, TIG) o
  • Teamwork, reliability, good communicative skills
  • Enjoy working independently
  • Passion for further development for high quality



  • Production of metal constructions and facade elements according to drawings and planning specifications
  • Technical drawings, parts lists and material requirements have been put into products s
  • Machining of light metal and steel construction on different machines
  • welding various materials (aluminum, (stainless steel), sheet processing, experience with surfaces, grinding and browning
  • On-site assembly, then carry out functional and safety tests and eliminate possible faults
  • Depending on your preferences, you can also participate in assembly at home and abroad


Your contact

Job, career, training

FSM Frankenberger GmbH

Betriebsstätte Pohlheim

Vor dem Hohen Stein 1
D-35415 Pohlheim

+49 (0) 64 04 - 91 94 0
+49 (0) 64 04 - 91 94 91
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FSM Frankenberger GmbH

Friedrichstr. 95

D-10117 Berlin


© 2023