The specialists for environmental technology

Wasser- &


Über 50 Jahre Erfahrung in der Wasser- und Abwasserreinigung.

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mit bis zu 110 m ³/h Schlamm und 150 m ³/h Prozesswasser.

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Ihre Spezialisten

rund um Umwelttechnik

Die komplette Produktpalette für die mechanische Wasser- und Abwasserreinigung.

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Your supplier for water and wastewater treatment

As a company established worldwide, FSM has been committed for more than 50 years to the development of environmentally-responsible design solutions for water and wastewater purification and treatment.

Protecting our ecosystems is an integral part of how we see ourselves as a company. In developing our products, we have accordingly focused on sustainability, durability and efficiency for many years.

This is an aim which we share with many of our customers, and which drives our engineers and product designers constantly to achieve high performance in the development of new machinery and features.

A high degree of innovation combined with many years experience and a highly-motivated team who provide advice, installation and service are your guarantee of outstanding products "Made in Germany" as well as professional handling of the contract through to commissioning, and of course beyond.

Get to know us - perhaps at a trade fair in your locality quite soon.

A firm with 50 years’ history

FSM Frankenberger GmbH & Co. KG was founded in Pohlheim bei Gießen in 1970. With single-minded determination we have continuously developed a virtually complete range of products for mechanical water and wastewater treatment over the intervening decades.

At international trade fairs

Firma FSM Frankenberger GmbH & Co. KG has been represented at all important international trade fairs for decades. In addition, we make every effort to present our products to you on site or in our workshops in the best possible way.

Made in Germany

Our home has been in Germany for more than 50 years. This is where we develop and produce our machinery. As well as our headquarters in Pohlheim, we have another production site for environmental engineering in Mecklenburg Vorpommern.

Service & Expertise

Service is a top priority. FSM offers you an experienced team to assemble our products. Many year's experience and our own staff in the installation and service departments combined with solid knowledge guarantees that your contract will be handled professionally through to commissioning and beyond

DIN certification

Our certification to ISO 9001:2015, OHSHS 18001, ISO 45001:2018, EN 1090-1 and EN 1090-2 serves to underline our high quality standards and constant endeavour to optimise our performance step-by-step. For you, as the customer, this means future-proof investments at the highest standard.


As specialists in water and wastewater purification, we have completed many projects both at home and abroad. We would be happy to send you our comprehensive and informative list of references. To receive a list of our most successful projects, please contact us with your name, address and telephone number.

Wasser-/Abwasser News

  • Feb 19

    19. February 2025

    10TH EXPERT FORUM ON COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW BASINS BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG ON FEBRUARY 19, 2025, IN STUTTGART The established specialist event is celebrating an anniversary: for the tenth time, the Expert Forum on Combined Sewer Overflow Basins in Baden-Württemberg is taking place, emphasizing the continued relevance of stormwater management for water management professionals in the region. On February 19, 2025, experts, planners, operators, and manufacturers will gather at the Waldaupark event center in Stuttgart to exchange ideas on the latest developments, technologies, and challenges in stormwater treatment.
    FSM Frankenberger (Product Brand Steinhardt) as an Exhibitor
    As a long-standing partner of the industry, FSM Frankenberger (Product Brand Steinhardt) will also be present with its own booth. We look forward to presenting our innovative solutions for stormwater treatment and engaging in discussions with you. Take the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts and expand your professional knowledge. We look forward to your visit to Stuttgart!

  • Feb 09

    ifat 2024 13.-17. May 2024

    Come and visit our stand at ifat 2024, the leading global trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management. This event provides an excellent platform to showcase our latest advances and achievements.

    We cordially invite you to join us at this important event and discuss our visions and solutions for sustainable wastewater management.

  • Feb 01

    1. Order in Hong Kong

    FSM Frankenberger is pleased to announce that we have received our first order in Hong Kong. This strengthens our presence in the region. We are looking to strengthen our cooperation with our valued local partner, LADON DISTRIBUTOR CO. LTD.

    The Tung Chung New Town Extension project provides us with an opportunity to demonstrate FSM's capabilities in the region. We are determined to contribute to the success of this project through innovative solutions and the highest quality standards. The close cooperation with LADON DISTRIBUTOR CO. LTD. will play a key role in exceeding our customers' expectations and ensuring long-term success in Hong Kong.

  • Jan 31

    Storm Water and Wastewater Forum Abu Dhabi

    FSM Frankenberger will participate in the Storm Water and Wastewater Forum in Abu Dhabi. This important event provides an excellent platform for sharing expertise and discussing the latest developments in storm water and wastewater management.
    Our participation in this forum underlines our commitment to innovative solutions and best practices in the environmental engineering sector. We look forward to gaining insights, sharing best practices and connecting with industry experts, government representatives and other stakeholders.
    For more information and updates on the forum, please visit the official website:

  • Jul 11

    FSM at WEFTEC 2022

    FSM at WEFTEC 2022


    95th Annual Technical Exhibition & Conference

    Date: October 08 - 12, 2022

    New Orleans Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana USA
    WEFTEC 2022, the Water Environment Federation's Technical Exhibition and Conference, is the largest annual water quality event in the world.

    WEFTEC is the largest conference of its kind in North America and offers water quality professionals from around the world with the best water quality education and training available today.


  • Jul 11

    FSM at WETEX 2022

    WETEX & Dubai Solar Show 2022

    International Exhibition & Conference on Water, Energy Technology and Environment

    Date: 27.09.2022 - 29.09.2022

    Both WETEX and DSS 2022 are currently scheduled to be hosted at Dubai’s World Trade Centre from 27th of September to the 29th.


  • Okt 08

    Exhibition ECOMONDO 2021 in Rimini

    FSM Frankenberger, Rimini, ECOMONDO 2021

    Visit the exhibition stand of our partner SAVECO Italia in Rimini.
    Get to know more about our products and services.
    Experience the Filterscreen live on site.

  • Aug 04

    FSM Frankenberger donates 5,000 euros to the affected flood regions

    The flood disaster has hit especially the federal states of Nordrhein-Westfalen and Rheinland-Pfalz hard. The company FSM Frankenberger donates 5.000,- Euro for the removal of the material damages caused by the heavy rain. The amount will immediately go to the German Red Cross, which has been working tirelessly in these crisis regions for several days.

    We, the company FSM Frankenberger, are in thoughts with all victims and those affected!

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FSM Frankenberger GmbH

Friedrichstr. 95

D-10117 Berlin


© 2023