Since 1970 FSM has been building and supplying machines and components to power stations and drinking water treatment plants for the extraction of river and sea water. For each application, we provide high quality, tailor-made solutions including detailed consultation and optimum harmonisation of components.
Our machines are still working after decades of service, providing adequate proof of their reliability and robustness. Depending on the application area, the machines are made of steel, stainless steel or duplex quality. In addition to the screening plant and the shutoff devices we supply complete cathodic corrosion protection for installation parts in contact with sea water.
Fish protection technology is a central point in connection with authorisation or operation of plants for water extraction. FSM offers innovative solutions for this area, e.g. travelling band screens/filter belt screens with integrated recirculation and monitoring of fish.
Depending on the application and installation size, various screening systems are available. For removal of coarse matter, grab screens and multi rake bar screens can be used. Channel widths up to 8 m and depending on channel width, channel depths up to 60 m can be fitted out with one machine. In the case of circulating rake screens, gap widths range from 2 to 200 mm, while for grab screens the smallest gap width is 10 mm.
Various alternative systems are available for micro-straining, such as travelling band screens, filter belt screens and screening drums. The screening units can be laid out as center flow, dual flow or through flow arrangements and the screening elements can be in the form of screen mesh or perforated plate. In the case of screen mesh, the mesh size is between 0.2 and 5 mm.
During the last 20 years, our patented filter belt screen with perforated plate elements has constantly proved its value in wastewater treatment. Here, the filter baskets can be provided with raking elements to provide optimum screening capability. Depending on the mounting angle and screening system, coarse matter up to 120 mm can be removed.
In addition to screening technology we deliver bulkhead gates and gate valves, pumps and piping, control panels and wiring and are thus able to supply our customers with a complete package.
Wir sind seit vielen Jahrzehnten die Spezialisten der Wasser- und Abwasserreinigung und haben unzählige Projekte im In- und Ausland erfolgreich ausgeführt.
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Consulting & Support
Operating facility Pohlheim
Vor dem Hohen Stein 1Productive throughout the range: technological mastery and the very best service.
Understanding enquiries and problems in order to develop specifically targeted solutions.
Exciting projects successfully implemented in over 20 countries on 5 continents.
High throughput, reliability and service quality. Fully developed concepts for the high demands of daily realities.
Thinking about tomorrow today. We have been developing products designed to be sustainable, flexible and durable with this in mind for 50 years.
Integrated solutions at the highest technological level, seamlessly adapted to the existing workflow by our engineers.
FSM Frankenberger GmbH
Friedrichstr. 95
D-10117 Berlin